The Urology Center of Colorado sent a Request For Proposal for sculpture to crown the Donor Wall for the Blue Mesa Wing specifying an iconic mesa image .
Research shows the actual Blue Mesa lacks classic profile mandated so I created a composite sketch that combined features from a different Colorado mesa and pinnacles from Blue Mesa Reservoir.
The concept is approved with the requirement that the background be removed and the base of the mesa be extended to its end. I sculpted the clay original, which is also approved.
I made a mold from original clay and then a wax copy. Then I fixed any defects in the wax and brought it to the foundry
The foundry cast and welded the sculpture. I picked up the rough metal and then ground down the welds and discolorations, making sure that those areas matched their surroundings in a process called chasing.

I worked with a world-renown patineur, to apply the acids and oxides that created the multicolored patina. The gray base mirrored the actual mesa and was achieved by applying silver nitrate while the bronze was heated with a torch.
The bronze Blue Mesa relief is installed as the crown of the donor wall.
Below is a letter of recommendation from Martha Ruschival, BSN, CURN, Executive Director, The Urology Center of Colorado Foundation